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Interesting Facts about Stars

Some people think that stars are just stars that shine brightly in the night sky. Few people know that not all stars are the same. There are many different types of stars that have various colors, sizes, and other features. Have you known that there are more binary star systems in the known part of the Universe than single ones? Check interesting facts about stars you may not know.

15+ Facts about Stars

  • The surface temperature of a star is many orders of magnitude lower than the temperature of its core.
  • Brown dwarfs, or protostars, are the coldest of all-stars. Jupiter, by the way, could very well have become a brown dwarf if it were a little more massive.
  • The larger the star, the shorter its life cycle is. Red dwarfs live the longest, trillions of years. By the way, they are the most widespread type of stars in the Universe.
  • All-stars in the visual spectrum appear white, even our Sun. It seems to us yellow because its rays are refracted by the atmosphere.
  • The brightest star in the night sky is Sirius. Incidentally, it is also a binary star system.
  • The most massive star known to us is the blue hypergiant R136a1. Its mass is 256 solar, and it emits light into space 10 million times more than our Sun.
  • The largest star known to mankind has long been considered VY Canis Major - the diameter of this red hypergiant is from 1300 to 1630 solar, that is, about two billion kilometers. If VY of Canis Major was in the place of the Sun, its surface would be between the orbits of Jupiter and Neptune (interesting facts about Neptune). But later it was found that the UY of the Shield is even larger - its diameter reaches 1708 solar.
  • Some scientists believe that the red supergiant Betelgeuse has already exploded, turning into a supernova, and in the not too distant future, the light of this explosion will reach us.
  • A black hole is not strictly a star, but rather what remains after the collapse of truly massive stars.
  • It is impossible to visually see the black hole itself, but you can see the accretion disk of the matter absorbed by it.
  • Most stars at the end of their life cycle turn into white dwarfs - a star of normal density, but the size of the Earth.
  • Neutron stars are those that are too massive to transform into a white dwarf, but not massive enough to become a black hole.
  • One of the most exotic types of stars is pulsars, which are neutron stars that emit radio beams from the poles at a breakneck speed and rotate around their axis at a speed of up to 700 revolutions per second.
  • The Pistol Star is the hottest known. With a luminosity of about 1.6 million solars, the Pistol emits as much light per minute as the Sun does in three years.
  • The atoms that make up our bodies were once particles of stars.
  • As the planets revolve around the Sun, Sun revolves around the center of the Milky Way. It takes about two hundred million years for one such revolution.

Learning about stars is great, isn’t it? Nowadays, you can choose a star, name it, and become closer to the Universe thanks to Cosmonova. You can not just name the star by also give it as a gift to your close people.