Welcome to Owenton Kentucky

Government Meetings
Owenton City Council meets the first Tuesday of each month at 7:30 PM.
Owen County Fiscal Court meets the second Tuesday of each month at 6:00 PM.
Owen County School Board meets the third Tuesday of each month at 7:00 PM.
Gratz City Commission meets the second Monday of each month at 7:00 PM.
Monterey City Council meets the first Tuesday of each month at 7:30 PM.
Monthly Meetings
Owen County Storytellers meets first Thursdays 7 - 9 pm at public library.
Owenton Lions Club meets on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 6:30 PM at the Smith House
Chamber of Commerce meets the second Thursday of each month at 7:15 AM at the Smith House.
Monthly free day at the dump is held the last Saturday of each month.
Alcoholics Anonymous meets each Wednesday at 8:00 PM at 518 S. Main St.
TOPS meets each Monday from 5 to 7 PM at Owenton Manor.
Veterans assistance is available at the courthouse on the third Tuesday of each month.
OCHS Band Boosters meet the first Tuesday of each month at 7:00 PM in the band room.
The Masonic Lodge meets at 7:30 PM the second Monday of each month.
Owen County Rotary meets each Monday at noon at the Smith House.
Rebekahs meet the first and third Tuesday of each month / First Tues. is 7 PM / Second Tues. is 5:30 PM
Odd Fellows meet the first and third Thursday of each month at 7:30 PM at the Odd Fellows Hall.
Conservation District Board meets the fourth Monday of each month at 7:30 PM at the NRCS building on Perry Street.
Country Rodders Car Club meets the first Tuesday of each month at 7:00 PM at Pat's Body Shop, Hwy. 22 W Owenton
Owen County Public Library's board of trustees meets the third Friday of each month at the library.
Daughters of the American Revolution meet the first Saturday of each month at 10:00 AM at the First Baptist fellowship hall.
Project Graduation meets at 7:30 PM each second Tuesday in the high school library.
SBDM (Site Based Decision Making Council) Meetings
Elementary School meets at 6 PM on the first Tuesday of each month in the library.
Primary School meets the first Thursday of each month at 5:30 PM.
Bowling Middle School meets on the first Wednesday of each month at 4:30 PM.
High School meets the second Wednesday of each month at 4:30 PM in the library.